“I knew what Edward was thinking and feeling ,” she continues. This aspect made it hard for her, as a writer, to not make changes to the original story. Since Midnight Sun is the retelling of the first book in Edward’s perspective, Meyer says there aren’t a lot of surprises in the new book. “Part of the struggle of writing was there wasn’t much room for me to readdress and to make changes,” she says. For her, she struggled writing Midnight Sun because she was unable to change any aspect within the first book. In a new interview, she reveals that revisiting Twilight 15 years after its release has been eye-opening. Victoria Almaguer may be reached at on Twitter.Now, she is sharing some of the realizations she had while writing the new book. With “ spooky ” season happening now, along with the arrival of the “ Twilight ” films on Amazon Prime, Midnight Sun is a recommended book that you will want to sink your teeth in. I give “Midnight Sun” four out of five picks. Maybe a Renesmee Cullen and Jacob Black story? Although we are still in the dark, we cannot be more excited for the continuation of this series. Dedicating the book to fans, Meyer has announced her plans to release three more books, but the audience still doesn’t know if they will all be through Edward ’ s perspective. “ Team Edward ” will be happy with this book and the fact that Meyer stuck to its origin. ” People say, “there are two sides to every story, ” and it’s an amazing experience to be able to read Edward ’s side of his never-ending story with Bella. If you already loved Edward, you might find an even more charming and compelling character in “Midnight Sun. Edward paints Bella in a new way that is different from the Bella readers were introduced to in the beginning. Bella becomes a beacon of light through his dark life, and you begin to understand that his decisions and actions, as hurtful as they may be, are with the intent to protect Bella. Edward’s own thoughts aim to have people hate him, but one just end s up loving him even more.

Throughout the book E dward’s gift of telepathy gives us a glimpse of what different c haracters are thinking. He hates himself fo r trespassing Bella ’ s privacy, but Edward ’ s creepy tendencies are excused for the love tha t he has for her and wanting to protect her. His deepest thoughts are the constant dilemma he has be tween loving Bella but also wanting to kill her due to his thirst for blood. Paragraph after paragraph, one is given more than a glimpse of Edward ’ s thought s now fans are also able to explore Edward’s mind-reading ability. Not only do you get to read about Edward’s thoughts on Bella, but readers also get a closer look at the Cullen family. “Midnight Sun” is slightly different from “ Twilight ”. Being that the book is Edward’s point of view of the first novel, “Twilight”, y ou would think that it is the same story, but it shows a side of Edward the audience hasn’t seen before. It felt like I finally ha d the closure we all deserve d years ago. There are no words to describe the emotions I felt as I held my very own hardcover of the 627 – page novel in my hands. 4, the book sold one million copies during the first week. It comes in perfect timing as many people are st aying home during th e COVID-19 pandemic. Luckily, the tragedy ended this year with its release. Meyer, at that time, decided not to continue with the book, which was tragic in my opinion. Even more so, when leaked paragraphs of the book came out. As a huge fan of the books and movies, I still remember when news of the “Edward ’s version of Twilight” book was being written. Now, eight years after the last movie, “ The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” was released, Meyer cam e back this year releasing the highly anticipated novel “Midnight Sun” in its totality.Īvid fans, like myself, have waited for this moment for tw elve years.
The novels were turned into five movie adaptations catapulting Meyer and the three leading actors, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor La utner into overnight world fame. Bella and Edward ’s romance is the center of the plot, as they face the deadly threats of hostile vampires who are not fond of their relationship. There, Bella meets Edward Cullen, a handsome and mysterious teen that is soon revealed to be a vampire.

The novels follow Bella Swan, a high school student who moves to a small town in Washington. ” The book series, comprising of four novels written by Stephenie Meyer, sold over 100 million copies in the late 2000’s. Fifteen years ago, we were introduced to the global phenomenon of “T he Twiligh t Saga.